Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Not So Fast Senator Bond...

It may have made a nice headline for last night and the early morning newspapers, but simply put... you were wrong. Last night Senator Kit Bond claimed prior to Republican Governor nominee Hulshof's speech that the nominee would carry the 7th US Congressional District despite losing to Steelman in Greene County.

Well, all of the votes are in, and the Senator is wrong. The News2K took to task and tallied the votes for governor in the 7th district and here is what we found:

Steelman: 36,296 (50.5%)
Hulshof: 34,252 (47.6%)

While it was rather close (just 2,000 votes or so), anyone willing to bet this announcement around 10:00 p.m. had more to do with wanting to keep up the image of the nominee being the strongest in the 7th district?

Oh, and just for fun... running uncontested yesterday in the 7th district, Roy Blunt (who endorsed and campaigned with Hulshof in his final days) won only 85% of his own party's constituents. Over 10,000 Republicans refused to cast their ballot for him even though no one ran against him. Big deal or not?

We report, you figure it out. ;-)

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