Sunday, August 5, 2007

Meet The Press Questions the Secretary of Defense

While the Republican Presidential candidates were talking policy on ABC this morning, Tim Russert had Secretary of Defense Robert Gates on the air discussing the situation in Iraq. It was a fascinating interview as you can from an excerpt from the transcript below (courtesy of

MR. RUSSERT: Should the Iraqi parliament have stayed in session?

SEC’Y GATES: Yes. In fact, when I was in Iraq two months ago, I urged—I strongly urged the presidency council and the, and the prime minister that council of representatives not go out.

MR. RUSSERT: Because the signal it sends, sends to the U.S., whose sons and daughters are over there in 130-degree heat carrying their extraordinarily heavy packs, fighting every day, and the Iraqis adjourn without reconciling.

SEC’Y GATES: Well, I was—I was actually even more blunt than that to them. I said, “We have—for every day that we buy you, we’re buying it with American blood, and the idea of you going on vacation is unacceptable.”

The complete transcript can be found here:

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