Sunday, October 21, 2007

"Fair and Balanced" Debate?

Umm... I don't think so. Fox News just had a Republican Presidential debate. Funny how Guiliani, Romney, and Thompson all got tons of air time. What about the other candidates, especially Huckabee and McCain? I just don't understand how voters are supposed to make a decision when the media has already "crowned" the "top tier". Tancredo who? Duncan what?

I shouldn't just place blame FOX... all the networks do it to some extent. Tonight's debate, however, was the most unbalanced debate I have seen so far. I find it highly unfair considering Huckabee and McCain are both polling stronger in recent weeks.

Ok...ok... off my soapbox. Ciao! ;-)

1 comment:

Branson Missouri said...

Hmmm. It's too bad. If politicians are in it for the right reasons, you can enter ideas into the debate that the ultimate winner can adopt.

This is what makes the debates great - new ideas for better governance.

It's too bad they aren't more exploratory.